This page will discuss the instruments to be used on the payload.
Instruments come in various types:
- Navigation. This includes the IMU and digital compass
- Meteorology. This includes the barometer and high accuracy digital thermometer
- Chemistry. One very useful instrument would be a methane sensor.
- Dust. Another useful instrument would be a dust sensor.
- Radiation. This includes the high energy particle sensor(s).
Status Update 3/17/2017
As of 3/15, I have been able to get the first 4 sensors from the left to work with the processor core. There was some frustration when I ran into an I2C address conflict with the 34725, but I was able to change an address and resolve the problem. Hint to others: make a table of each device and the I2C addresses available which one you are using. Also, there was an issue with the weird library from a vendor that used types like “uint_16”, which it seems the Teensy 3.6 is not too happy with. I changed all the weird types to plain unsigned ints and chars (who ever heard of an unsigned char?) The library is now working. Also, be careful that I2C pullups do not short across jumpers, this also causes weird errors.